
North Carolina State Capitol

Raleigh, North Carolina

JKOA has provided architectural and engineering services for multiple projects at the North Carolina State Capitol.

Considered by many to be one of the finest and most well-preserved examples of civic Greek Revival architecture in the United States, the 1841 NC State Capitol replaced the original State House that was destroyed by fire. New York architects Ithiel Town and Alexander Jackson Davis were the principal designers, and Scottish architect David Paton is credited with much of the interior. The three-story structure is built of local granite in a cruciform plan with central rotunda. The surrounding Capitol Square was designed by the Olmsted Brothers firm and retains its park-like landscape. The building and park are a National Historic Landmark. 

The Capitol continues to have a prominent role in state legislative matters. The offices of the governor and lieutenant governor occupy the first floor of two wings of the cruciform plan. The legislature meets in a nearby building, but significant state events, signings of legislation, and  press briefings are held in the restored Senate and House chambers. The building is maintained as a museum and open daily.

Master Plan – Phase 1, Recordation

Because the Capitol was poorly documented and without measured drawings or photographs of the architectural elements, the North Carolina State Capitol Foundation, a private friends group, commissioned JKOA to conduct the first phase of what is to be a long-term master plan. 

In an innovative project, a complete recordation of the building to HABS standards was prepared in hybrid format (AutoCAD measured drawings enhanced with photogrammetry) of all exterior surfaces and accessible interior surfaces. The drawings serve as a foundation for comprehensive monitoring of the envelope and as a base for determining short- and long-term remedial actions.

The documentation is particularly important because much of the historical record is limited to either legislative history or the initial design of the building, while little has been collected about the evolution of the building and its park-like square. The drawings further provide a tool for developing a better understanding of the building design.

Interior Plaster Repair

JKOA addressed needed repairs to interior plaster walls and ceilings of the House and Senate chambers and second-floor hallways.

Wood Window Condition Assessment and Repair

JKOA conducted a condition assessment of the wood windows and designed a repair strategy. The project included lead-based paint abatement and installation of energy- saving and UV/infrared light-filtering thermal sash.

Interior Stone Cleaning and Repair of Decorative Finishes

In the most recent phase, we developed plans and specifications for, and completed copper roof repair, cleaning of interior stone surfaces and repair of decorative painted interior surfaces, including granitized walls and grained doors.

Project services

  • Architecture

  • Historic preservation

  • Photogrammetry / documentation drawings

  • Historical research

  • Condition assessment

  • Materials testing and conservation

  • Building archaeology and forensics

  • Mechanical engineering

  • Construction administration

  • Cost estimating